Game Cheats - The Antichamber Puzzle Imagination Puzzler Mind- Bending Edition1.0 - App Store
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Publisher Description
Antichamber is a game about discovery, set inside a vibrant, minimal, Escher-like world, where geometry and space follow unfamiliar rules, and obstacles are a matter of perception.
Journey through the depths of a non-Euclidean labyrinth, as you create, destroy and manipulate matter, and uncover new ways to overcome your surroundings in this mind-bending psychological exploration game.
Walkthrough Videos
Read character bios
Guide on every character
Cheats and tricks in level
How to get through Challenge Modes
Manual Game Guide
Trailer Videos
And many more
Enjoy every level with family and friends!
Download This Game Cheats for the Antichamber app!Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.